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Passover Recipes
Passover-Friendly & Flourless Dessert Recipes
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Vegetarian Recipes
Yom Kippur Break-Fast Recipes
Almodrote: Turkish Shredded Zucchini Pie with Sheep’s Milk Cheese and Yogurt
Casse Croûte Tunisien: Tunisian Hero with Tuna, Eggs, Pickled Peppers and Hot Pepper Sauce
Chewy Matzah Granola with Almonds, Pistachios, Dried Apricots, and Vanilla-Honey
Cigares aux Amandes: Moroccan Phyllo “Cigars” with Almonds and Honeyed Orange-Blossom Syrup
Enginara: Turkish Steamed Whole Artichoke Hearts with Lotsa Lemon
Helwat al Yaktin: Libyan Butternut Squash “Pudding” with Cinnamon, Ginger, and Vanilla
Huevos Haminados: Browned Eggs with Onion Skins, Olive Oil and Coffee Grinds
Iraqi Meatballs with Apricots and Tomatoes
Kairi Chi Koshimbir: Green Mango Salad with Green Chilies, Mint, Coriander, and Dates
Kéik Krasioú me Eleólatho: Hanukkah Wine Cake with Olive Oil, Cinnamon and Cloves
Koula’s Greek Matzah Meal Spinach and Dill Pie
Minestra Dayenu: Chicken and Egg Soup with Cinnamon and Matzah Noodles
Oshi Masozgoshak: Bukharian Egg and Matzah Soup with Sour Golden Plums
Pepitada: Melon Seed Milk with Rose Water, Vanilla, and Cinnamon
Salota az Ryevozgu Lablabu: Bukharian Rhubarb and Beet Salad with Scallions, Mint, and Coriander Leaves
Shrab: Libyan Golden Raisin “Wine” with Cinnamon Sticks
Silan / Ha’lek: Baghdadi Date Syrup
Syrian Haroset with Apricots, Orange Blossom Water and Almonds
A Seder During a Time of Uncertainty and Fear. Again
A Sephardic/Judeo-Arabic Seder
Albóndigas and the Sephardic Meatball
Χανουκά or Hanukkah: It’s All Greek To Me!
Kéik Krasioú me Eleólatho: Hanukkah Wine Cake with Olive Oil, Cinnamon and Cloves
A Seder Plate for Rosh HaShannah? (It’s not just for Passover!)
It’s Recipe Testing Time! A dinner party where everyone else does the cooking.
Four Generations Come Together for Algerian Boulettes with Green Peas
The End of an Era: Streit’s Matzo Factory To Leave the Lower East Side
Henna: Hametz for Passover?
Passover images from around the world: Charoset Ice Cream in Israel
Passover images from around the world: A window in Paris
Silan / Ha’lek: Baghdadi Date Syrup
Passover images from around the world: Dutch Matze
Cleansing your sins for Passover? It’s time to start preparing.
A Tu b’Shevat Seder: Time to Honor Israel’s 7 Fruits
Passover Cooking in December: Finding time to write and test the recipes.
Are we ready for a Thanksgiving Seder plate?
Little Georgia at the Crossroads of Rego Park and Forest Hills, Queens
Sephardic Culture: Walking and Tasting Tour in Bercelona!
The Second Night: A Tunisian Seder Plate
Seder Plate Checklist: Are you set?
Ajeel: Iranian “Trail Mix”
OUT with the OLD and in with the NEW: Time to throw out the old spices!
The Paschal Sacrifice: Going in on the whole lamb
Wann-a date, Biblical style?
Did you know?: The Iranian tradition of covering the table during the Plagues
Did you know?: The myth that ALL Sephardim eat rice.
Time to Sort the Rice: Let the preparations for Pesach begin!
Did you know?: The Libyan Seder Basket
Did You Know? New Passover dishes in Ethiopia
Minestra Dayenu: It should have been enough.
Will the single, marriageable girl please leave the room?
My Roadtrip to Regostan, Queens
You Say Haroset, I Say Harose. (Charoset, Jarose…)
So Sweet You Can Eat it with a Spoon
Silan Date Honey: A charoset for all year-round?
The Holiest of Matzahs Found Near Mexico? Let the harvesting begin!
Afgani Proverb: “Be Content with Such Things as You Have.”
Chapter by Chapter: The Jews of Bukharia and Afghanistan
Minas, Meginas, and Maienas: The Quintessential Sephardic Dish?
Now that Passover has Passed Over…
Round vs. Square: How do you take your matzah?
The Moroccan Mimounah Celebration: The final night of Passover
The Sacrificial Egg and the Paschal Lamb: When Passover and Easter Cross Paths
Last Search for Chametz: Feather, Wooden Spoon, or Knife?
Egyptian Take-Out: The Seder ceremonial plate (for those on the go…)
Lenore’s Pre-Passover Seder on St. Patty’s Day: Four leaf clovers instead of parsley?
Chummus or Chametz?
Matzolah and Gefilte Fish Gummies?
Purim is over and the countdown has begun: Time to start that spring cleaning!
Streit’s matzah factory preparing six months before Passover!
My Passover blog is finally up and running!
Jennifer Abadi | RECIPES